Meet Syneum at CFIA Rennes, from march 12th to 14th !

Syneum will attend CFIA in Rennes, France, at stand 4-D26 in the trends area. Our mastery of a large number of technologies surrounding extraction allows us in particular to offer solutions to revalorize various co-products, in a CSR approach.
Here are some exemples of the drinks we can offer:
  • an infusion of coffee cherry, an underused co-product of coffee cultivation, which nevertheless makes it possible to obtain delicious drinks,
  • an infusion of bitter orange peel, ideal for mocktails ( non-alcoholic drinks for adults )!
Come see us to discover our entire offer!

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JAS La Rochelle, June 19&20 : a new opportunity to meet Syneum!

Syneum will attend RV Formulation in Arras on may 28!