The purpose of the website is to present the Syneum Ingredient Group, which is backed by three entities that belong to the Larena Group (registered as RCS Angers 410 905 285):

– Genibio: Head offices: Voie Haussmann, ZI du Couserans, 09190 Lorp-Sentaraille, France (RCS Foix 417 723 863)

– Genialis: Head offices: Route d’Achères, Pôle Isaac Newton, 18250 Henrichemont, France (RCS Bourges 501 257 174)

– Herbal T: Head offices: Les Tiolans, 03800 St-Bonnet-de-Rochefort, France (RCS Cusset 512 999 533)

This website is published by the company Herbal T, which is committed to adhering to all the applicable laws relating to the creation and activities of a website.

The website is the property of Herbal T.

Herbal T – A simplified joint stock company with a capital of €1,510,692.31

Head offices: Les Tiolans, 03800 Saint-Bonnet-de-Rochefort, France

RCS Cusset: 512 999 533 – APE: 7219Z

EU VAT: FR06512999533

Telephone: +33 (0)4 70 90 63 18


Publication director: Philippe Laurent



140 quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix, France

Telephone: 1007

A simplified joint stock company with a capital of € – RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011



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